Phone Number: 512-731-6264

- Number of years have played golf: 36
- Highest level competed and where (ex. university): College – Texas State University
- Average score / handicap: 2
- Driver distance: 295 yards
Biggest golf achievement: My biggest personal achievement would be getting my playing level good enough to play for a D1 school.
- What made you want to become a Callaway sales representative: I love golf. I already spend most of my time thinking about golf and golf equipment, so it just made sense to work in the industry. My father was a PGA Tour player so I grew up around the game. When I was big enough to carry the bag in my teens he had me caddying for him out there. Sharing my knowledge is something I am passionate about. I love talking with people about what might work best for them.
- Favorite club in the bag: My driving iron the X-Forged Utility.
- Favorite course: Pebble Beach
Expertise (if have one, for example beginners or putters): NA really. Or Expert in fitting and golf equipment in general.